Sunday, 30 October 2011

Freshair supply

What do we need when u lack of O2?
Wat kind of oxygen therapy provide/ availability in hosp?
How do we monitor and adjust accordingly

what kind of O2 supply do we hv in hosp?? Do u know that ??
  1. nasal prong oxygen (NPO2) : 1-3L/min
  2. facemask oxygen (FMO2) : 8-10L/min
  3. venturi mask (VMO2) : it depends on wat colour..
  4. high flow mask (HFMO2) : 15L/min
  5. oxygen box (for babies) : 3L/min

    These are the simple and basic... u know how many litres of oxygen we can deliver in each of those things???
    Y shud we know ?
    Please surf internet and study la ya....

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